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Feature of the Expert, Glorious King Feature of the Expert, Glorious King

This book features a very popular teaching by Dza Patrul on Garab Dorje's Three Lines That Strike the Key Points. The book includes the root text and the commentary to it, both by Dza Patrul.  Note that this is the text that is commonly but mistakenly called "The Three Lines that Strike the Three Points". This text and its commentary are frequently used as the text for teaching Thorough Cut (Thregcho) to beginning Dzogchen students. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $10.00
Differentiating Non-Distraction and So Forth Differentiating Non-Distraction and So Forth

The text in this book covers "differentiations", which is an important aspect of training in Dzogchen's Thorough Cut (Thregcho). Differentiations are usually only given as oral instruction, so this book is a must-read for Dzogchen practitioners. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $15.00

The Dzogchen Method of Preserving the Face of Rigpa The Dzogchen Method of Preserving the Face of Rigpa

This book features the text "The Method of Preserving the Face of Rigpa, The Essence of Wisdom". Preservation is an important aspect of training in the Thorough Cut (Thregcho) practice of Dzogchen. The book with this specific teaching is one of several that are essential reading for practitioners of Thorough Cut and are available in this store. The text is by Ju Mipham Namgyal, the introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $15.00
Tulku Ugyen's Guru Yoga and Commentaries on the Practice Tulku Ugyen's Guru Yoga and Commentaries on the Practice

This book contains the practice text for the guru yoga of Tulku Ugyen of Nagi Gonpa written by Tulku Ugyen, with two commentaries by Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Introduction, translation, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $15.00
Words of the Old Dog Vijay Words of the Old Dog Vijay

This book features a text by Zhechen Gyaltshab IV, the head of Zhechen Monastery in Tibet, on Thorough Cut (Thregcho) practice. It is strongly recommended for all Thorough Cut (Tregcho) practitioners. It is usually read in conjunction with the text "Way of the Realized Old Dogs" by Ju Mipham, which also is available in this shop. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $15.00
About the Three Lines That Strike Key Points by Dodrupchen III About the Three Lines That Strike Key Points by Dodrupchen III

Features a practical and brilliant explanation of Garab Dorje's "Three Lines Striking the Key Points teaching". The explanation was given by Dodrupchen III, Tenpa’i Nyima, who was famous for his explanations of the theory and practice of Dzogchen. The text was later written down and included in Tenpa'i Nyima's Collected Works.  The explanation lays out Thorough Cut (Thregcho) followed by a remarkable explanation of how Direct Crossing (Thogal) and Thorough Cut work together. Introduction, translation, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $20.00
Dzogchen: Empowerment and the Practice of Ati Yoga Dzogchen: Empowerment and the Practice of Ati Yoga

Contains explanations by the author of empowerment and especially of the meaning of the fourth empowerment. Translations of several fourth empowerment sections of empowerment texts and the entire General Vase Empowerment by Jigmey Lingpa that is the root empowerment text of the Longchen Nyingthig system are included. There is also a letter by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche to a woman student, which in few words but very clearly sets out the practice of Dzogchen for a lay person. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $20.00
Dzogchen: The Essential Points of Practice, A Manual of Basic Instructions on Thorough Cut Dzogchen: The Essential Points of Practice, A Manual of Basic Instructions on Thorough Cut

The text in this book explains the basics of the Dzogchen practice of Thorough Cut (Thregcho). The text is by Zhechen Gyaltshab, one of the Gyaltshab line of tulkus who were the great heads of Zhechen monastery in Tibet, along with the Rabjam Rinpoches. The text is regarded as important reading for Dzogchen practitioners. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $20.00
Peak Doorways to Emancipation, Texts of Shakya Shri Peak Doorways to Emancipation, Texts of Shakya Shri

This book features two Dzogchen texts, one on introduction to the nature of mind and the other on Thorough Cut (Tregcho).  The texts come from the Collected Works of Shakya Shri, a 19th century Drukpa Kagyu master of both Mahamudra and Dzogchen systems of practice. Both texts are revealed treasures. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $20.00

Way of the Realized Old Dogs Way of the Realized Old Dogs

This book features the text "The Way of the Realized Old Dogs, Advice that Points Out the Essence of Mind, called 'A Lamp That Dispels Darkness'", which is a very popular text amongst Dzogchen practitioners in Tibet. It was not written for the monks and nuns, but specifically for lay yogis or urban yogis, and is particularly popular among them. It is a companion to several other books in this shop that cover the meaning of the Thorough Cut (Tregcho) and Direct Crossing (Thogal) practices of Dzogchen, such as "Words of the Old Dog Vijay". Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $20.00
The Dzogchen Alchemy of Accomplishment The Dzogchen Alchemy of Accomplishment

Features the text “'Alchemy of Accomplishment', Instructions of Mountain Dharma, Heart Guidance on the Practice Expressed in an Easy-to-Understand Way Text” by Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje. The text is a record of a teaching given to a group of people who had just entered a three year Dzogchen retreat. The text is very potent and is frequently used these days by Dzogchen practitioners. Introduction, translation, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $22.50
Dzogchen Foremost Instructions, "A Garland of Views" Dzogchen Foremost Instructions, "A Garland of Views"

This books centres on a very famous teaching given by Padmasambhava, on how to understand the nine levels of view set out in the Guhyagarbha Tantra, the root tantra of Mahayoga. Longchen Rabjam's explanation of the relevant portion of the tantra, and Ju Miphams major commentary on Padmasambhava's teaching are also provided to clarify the original teaching, which is quite terse. Padmasambhava's teaching includes a great deal of Dzogchen instruction. Extensive introduction that clarifies many difficult points, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00

Hinting at Dzogchen, Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche Hinting at Dzogchen, Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche

A compendium of many teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche. The full list of teaching is given in the full description that goes with this item. The book called "Ground, Path, and Fruition, Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche" forms a useful companion to this book; it is available in this store. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00
Longchen Nyingthig Preliminaries, "The Excellent Path to Omniscience" Longchen Nyingthig Preliminaries, "The Excellent Path to Omniscience"

This book features a text by the first Dodrupchen that has become the main preliminary practices text for Longchen Nyingthig practitioners.  Several other texts by Tibetan Longchen Nyingthig masters are included so that the reader can have the clearest possible understanding of the practice text and how to use it for practice.  There is also a commentary by Lama Tony Duff that clarifies points not contained in the other commentaries.  Introduction, translations, commentary, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00
Kunzang Thugtig, Samantabhadra's Mind-Essence Kunzang Thugtig, Samantabhadra's Mind-Essence

Kunzang Thugtig is a tantra from the Chogling New Treasures.  This book contains the texts from the tantra for the practices of both Thorough Cut (Tregcho) and Direct Crossing (Thogal). It also contains the commentary on the texts by Karmay Khenpo, an expert in the Chogling New Treasures. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00
Key Points of Direct Crossing, called "Nectar of the Pure Part" Key Points of Direct Crossing, called "Nectar of the Pure Part"

This book features a text by Khenchen Padma Namgyal of Zurmang Monastery, who lived and studied extensively at nearby Dzogchen Monastery in Eastern Tibet. Khenchen Padma Namgyal was known for his high level of realization. The text is a record of a teaching that he gave out on the mountains slopes prior to a session of Direct Crossing (Thogal) practice. In it, he explains the six lamps in relation to Direct Crossing or Thogal practice. The teaching is from the Longchen Nyingthig system of Dzogchen dharma. Texts like this are very, very hard to come by! Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00
Longchen Nyingthig Chod, "Sound of Dakini Laughter" Longchen Nyingthig Chod, "Sound of Dakini Laughter"

This book features the main text for Chod practice in the Longchen Nyingthig system of teaching, a text by Jigmey Lingpa. It also contains a text by Dza Patrul that gives detailed practical instructions for the practice and a commentary by the author, Lama Tony Duff. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00
Longchen Nyingthig, A Presentation of Instructions for the Development Stage Deity, "A Stairway Leading to Akanishtha" Longchen Nyingthig, A Presentation of Instructions for the Development Stage Deity, "A Stairway Leading to Akanishtha"

This book features a text by Jigmey Lingpa that explains development stage practice according to Dzogchen in general, and according to the Longchen Nyingthig system in particular. The text is also closely related to the Mahayoga approach to the creation of a deity and as such is recommended reading for anyone doing development stage practice. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $25.00
"A Lamp's Illumination", Condensed Advice on Great Completion's Thorough Cut "A Lamp's Illumination", Condensed Advice on Great Completion's Thorough Cut

The third Dodrupchen III, Tenpa’i Nyima, did much to clarify the teachings of Longchen Nyingthig by writing extensively about it. The text in this book is a marvelous presentation of the practice of Dzogchen by him. It is regarded as one of several texts that are essential reading for Dzogchen practitioners. Text by Dodrupchen III, Tenpa’i Nyima. Introduction, translation, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $27.50
Flight of the Garuda by Zhabkar Flight of the Garuda by Zhabkar

This book features a very popular text by the itinerant Tibetan yogi Zhabkar that gives a complete explanation of Thorough Cut practice (Tregcho). The text is very popular amongst Dzogchen practitioners.  Verse and prose forms of the text are provided. Although the orginal is in verse, many Westerners find it easier to read the prose version, and this is explained fully in the introduction. Introduction, translation, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $30.00

Ground, Path, and Fruition Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche Ground, Path, and Fruition Teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche

This book features a number of teachings of Tsoknyi Rinpoche on Mahamudra and Dzogchen. The book is very popular amongst students of Tsoknyi Rinpoche and others who are trying to get a better understanding of the meaning of Dzogchen teaching and practice. The book was compiled by Tony Duff at Tsoknyi Rinpoche's request. The book called "Hinting at Dzogchen" forms a useful companion to this book; it is available in this store. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $35.00

Relics of Dharmakaya by Ontrul Tenpa'i Wangchuk Relics of Dharmakaya by Ontrul Tenpa'i Wangchuk

This book features a text that has a very detailed explanation of Garab Dorje's teaching called "The Three Lines that Strike the Key Points". The text is by Ontrul Tenpa’i Wangchuk, one of the great Dzogchen masters of Tibet.  The text gives an unusually clear and detailed explanation of the Dzogchen practice of Thorough Cut (Thregcho). Therefore, it is strongly recommended reading for all practitioners of Dzogchen Thorough Cut (Tregcho). Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $35.00
The Prayer of Threefold Ground, Path, and Fruition by Jigmey Lingpa, with Three Commentaries The Prayer of Threefold Ground, Path, and Fruition by Jigmey Lingpa, with Three Commentaries

This book makes the prayer called “The Prayer of Threefold Ground, Path, and Fruition” available for the first time in English for practitioners of the Dzogchen teaching. The Prayer came through the Longchen Nyingthig tradition of the Dzogchen teaching.  In Tibet, daily recitation of the Prayer is an essential part of the practice of those who follow these teachings.  More than that though, it is such an amazing presentation of the most profound level of Dzogchen teaching that it is widely used by Dzogchen practitioners in general.  With that in mind, this book was produced so that all English-speaking practitioners of the Dzogchen teaching would have full access to the prayer.  Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $35.00
Meditator's Guide to Great Completion; Thorough Cut Teachings of Mingyur Rinpoche Meditator's Guide to Great Completion; Thorough Cut Teachings of Mingyur Rinpoche

This book contains a complete teaching by Mingyur Rinpoche on the path to enlightenment culminating in the Thorough Cut (Thregcho) teachings of Dzogchen. The book is ideal for those at all levels of Dzogchen practice. Introduction, translations, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $45.00
Longchen Nyingthig, Guidebook called Highest Wisdom by Jigmey Lingpa Longchen Nyingthig, Guidebook called Highest Wisdom by Jigmey Lingpa

This book features the most important Dzogchen text by Jigmey Lingpa, with translations and explanations by Tony Duff. The book includes a vast number of footnotes that explain the details of the text which otherwise would not be accessible. The author received and practised the entire teaching a number of times in Tibet and checked every detail of the translation with the head khenpo of Dzogchen Monastery, resulting in a very accurate translation that conveys Jigmey Lingpa's unusual idiom exactly into English. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $85.00
A Complete Manual for the Practice of Miyowa Trulkhor In Chogling Tersar A Complete Manual for the Practice of Miyowa Trulkhor In Chogling Tersar

This book contains a complete set of texts and explanations of the Achala or Miyowa practice of Thrulkhor according to the Chogling New Treasures.  The author was asked by Lama Goti, a well-known advanced practitioner of the system, to translate these materials and assemble them into a set for the sake of other Westeners wanting to do the practice.  Translations, explanations, and book design by Tony Duff.

: $125.00